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What is Heat Tracing?

  • Heat Tracing (or Trace Heating, or Surface Heating) is the method of applying heat to a body, or to a product (liquid, powder, or gas) contained within a system (pipework, vessel or equipment) for storage or transportation, in order to avoid processing problems or difficulties.

Heat may be applied to:-

  • Liquids
    • to prevent freezing
    • to enable pumping by reducing the viscosity of the liquid
  • Powders
    • to eliminate condensation from the walls of equipment  that could result in ‘clogging’of the product
  • Gases
    • to prevent hydration due to a drop in gas pressure across pipework fittings such as valves


  • The two main types of heat tracing employed in industry today


  • Electric Surface Heating
    • Heaters that use electrical power, either single or three phase
  • Steam Surface Heating
    • Heating that utilises steam from the plant either as a by-product or is created solely for the purpose of heating


  • Electric heat tracing is governed by a number of International and National Standards covering Industrial (Safe) and Industrial (Hazardous) locations


Steam Trace Heating

  • A typical steam heating system utilises, as the name suggest, steam that is either created for the purpose of heating, or steam that is a by-product of the process used on the plant.
  • Advantages of Steam
  • Steam does not produce electrical arcs and therefore is a useful option in explosive areas to prevent gases and dusts in the atmosphere igniting
  • Steam is considered ‘free’energy, although maintenance reduces the advantage of steam somewhat


  • Disadvantages of Steam
  • Steam is high temperature and;
  • It is very difficult to control without expensive valve arrangements.
  • Labour intensive to install to equipment.
  • Expensive to produce, use and maintain.
  • The system is prone to leaks, especially on high pressure steam systems.
  • Is very dangerous to personnel
  • Is very inefficient mainly due to the lack of control


Electric Trace Heating


  • Parallel Heating Cables
  • Self-Regulating Cables
  • Zoned Power-Limiting Cables
  • Zoned Constant Wattage Heating Cables


  • Series Heating Cables
  • Single Phase Series Cables
  • Three Phase Series Cables
  • Mineral Insulated


Self-Regulating Cables

  • These are one of the most common types of heating cables available on the market today.
  • The general construction is that there are two bus-wires (Live and Neutral) carrying the supply voltage.
  • A conductive matrix is extruded over the bus-wires. This is actually the heating element and not an insulating layer.
  • To provide electrical insulation, a layer of thermoplastic is then extruded over the matrix and conductors.
  • As an option, a further layer of metallic braiding is normally applied to the cable. This layer provides both mechanical protection and also an earth path for earth leakage detection.
  • As a final option, a layer of thermoplastic or fluoropolymer is extruded over the final cable. This final layer provides UV and further mechanical protection.


Zoned power limiting cables

  • These types of cables differ in the construction to self-regulating cables. In this construction the two bus-wires are extruded with an insulating layer over each conductor.
  • At pre-determined distances, the insulation is removed from alternate conductors, exposing the base conductor. A heating wire (or element) is wrapped around the two conductors, and where the wire meets these two areas, a heating ‘zone’ is created.
  • Sometimes the heating element is strengthened with fiberglass thread to absorb the high stresses created (especially at higher voltages) in the relatively thin heating wire.
  • A layer of insulation is then extruded over the cable. Similar to the self-regulating cable, a further optional layer of metallic braid and a final thermoplastic or fluoropolymer insulation can be extruded over the cable to provide a finished product.


Series Constant Wattage Cables

  • These cables are either provided as a flexible, cut-to-length version, or as a mineral insulated type cable.
  • The design of the cable relies on insulated conductors which are wired in series (for single phase supplies) or connected in a star connection at the remote end (for three phase supplies).


Principles of Heat Loss

  • All pipes/equipment that are above the ambient temperature will experience heat loss.
  • Heat loss is the loss of heat to the environment.
  • If no heating is applied to the pipe/equipment it will eventually equal the ambient temperature, at which point the heat loss will be zero.
  • The heat loss can be delayed by the application of thermal insulation. However, over a period of time, without heating the equipment will eventually match that of the ambient.
  • To keep equipment above the ambient, it is essential to add heatingand insulationto offset the heat loss.



Heat Loss from a Pipe

Q =              2π x K x (Tp-Ta)+ sf


       Q            Heat Loss (Watts/m)
       K            ‘k’-factor for the insulation at Mean Temperature Tm (W/m°K)
      Tp           Process Temperature (°C)

                Ta           Ambient Temperature (°C)
                d2           Outer diameter of insulation
                d1           Inner diameter of insulation
                sf            Safety Factor (typically an extra 10%)


Selecting a Cable

  • Heating cables come in a variety of ranges and outputs.
  • Check the Pipe Maximum Temperature
  • Check the Hazardous Area T-Rating
  • Adjust for the Voltage
  • Match the Heat Loss


The Design Checklist

  • Is this Maintain or Raise and Maintain?
  • What are the material(s) to be heated
  • Hazardous Location information.
  • Pipe/tank/vessel dimensions
  • Temperature to be held
  • Insulation type and thickness
  • Voltage available
  • Minimum Ambient temperature
  • Maximum permissible pipe temperature



























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Leadership is founded in talented employees effectively applying sound business management. We add more value at lower cost with faster response. We each lead through our competence, creativity and teamwork.